I do!
When I was 12 I had a hair brush as my microphone and I could lip sync that song down to every breath.
But anyway, I'm forcing this post into fruition because blogging has been the last thing I want to do all week. I even wondered if I wanted to blog anymore at all, then just decided I'm still pooped from the Christmas madness and time will heal all
So let's talk about Christmas.
Hi Kendall.
Our holidays are flooded with family. It's fantastic, frantic fun.
Fantastic, frantic dangerous fun...
Mike hummed and hawed and hammered out a superb puppet theater that was bigger and better than I imagined.
Suzie loves it.
Garret didn't sleep through everything...
A simple nativity reenactment with the kids' cousins was adorable.
Suzie cut off Grandpa's reading with a, "Great story Grandpa, good job!".
We even had time for a quick portrait outing. I don't get to see my brother and his family enough so this picture will have to hold us over til next time...
And wouldn't you know, there are more pictures and stories from Mike's side of the family. But that/those'll have to wait til pictures are ready and I've had more sleep. I will say this: Brenda is, right now, cuddling up with a black, Darf-Vador blanket. She looks cozy.