My name is Lindsay and this is just so I don't feel guilty for not keeping a written journal...

Monday, March 24, 2014


Marathon training, this year, is bringing out the silly in me.

Partly because my little brother, Tyler, is giving marathons a try
so we're doing some training together.

And partly because I'm headed back to Newport for the third time so it's a familiar,
non-threatening course.

But mostly because I'm running with Tyler.

He likes Pinky and the Brain too...

Friday, March 21, 2014

leaps and bounds

A... for  

It's been an adventurous 7 months of shared-home preschool for me and the other two moms!  I'm not great with little kids.  They're too ...unreasonable.  But I can muster up the cute teacher inside and put on an educational playdate ...sometimes.

At least I have pictures that seem so...

 The letter F!

Oh.  Well.

...We're working on it!

Thursday, March 13, 2014


Suzi has been insisting lately that she intends on having just 5 more birthdays (emphasized with 5 fingers) then stopping at age 10.  "Just like Brenda" she says, "...I don't want to be a grown up."

Brenda does make 10 look fabulous...

Monday, March 10, 2014

running selfie

Had to run through a flooded section of road the other day.  -only a few inches but it was exciting.

Of course I thought it would make a fun picture and of course I wasn't going to slow down.

That's all.

Netflix awaites.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

evil-eyed chickens

So here's where we're at-


At about 3:30 am a few nights ago I was laying in bed listening to Garret wail and thrash in his room for, I think, the 5th night in a row.  As Mike went in to attempt to calm him (which rarely ever helps, but there are few options) I got on google and starting reading for the umpteenth time on diets and autism fits and medications and physical therapy and sensory therapy and whatever therapy and thisorthat therapy and Ineedsleep forums and HEAVENHELPUSTHEREMUSTBEANANSWER forums.

After a few minutes I came back to a thought I'd been having off and on over the past several months about an organic aka REAL FOOD diet.  My sis-in-law Lora (who has been divinely helpful) has had stupendous results with her family and their many health issues (aches, sickness, hyper activity, etc) and when sharing with me I'd think how much I admire her determination and hard work with it, but it would just be too much for me.  I mean, we've tried the gluten-casein free diet for Garret and for over a year the headache and expense was not worth the teensy tiny bit of improvement we saw in his sleep.  So the thought of putting the entire family through a entire food overhaul was just, well, NO THANK YOU. 

But after nearly a week of terrible sleep my wall was down and I was open to anything.

I stumbled onto this video-

-and while I can't swear by all the information, it was enough to convince me that it was worth a try.

So I've added some helpful websites to my sidebar (if you're curious, or have more suggestions!).  My pantry has been cleaned out and refilled.  I'm learning how to read and scrutinize labels.  The checking account is empty, and I've already made some yummy cookies.  I will welcome ANY advice on the subject.  ...or donations.  haha  -'cause after all- say the next line in a dramatic manner-


P.S.  Don't let me cave and get chickens.  I just don't trust those rascals.

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