You think this is going to be a deep, nostalgic sort of post. Don't ya? Well, sorry to disappoint you but I've got way too much 'Good&Plenty' in my system for serious. (Thank you Santa)
So this is my impromptu 'tell-all-about-my-Christmas' post.
No pictures 'cause it's impromptu.
Why imprompty?
Uh, I mean impropmtu. Arrr, impromptu (Stupid 2am fingers.)
Because it's 2 am and I don't want to watch Barney.
Saturday morning Mike and I donned out cheerleading sweaters and skirts and pigtails and pompoms...
Mike in a skirt? Oh heavens. Thank goodness I'm being metaphorical.
What's this?? I see a present fooooorrr
BRENDA!! Wanna open it? Over here Brenda!
What is it??? What could it be???
WOW! A Star Wars lego person-thingy!!! COOL!! Oh wait, Brenda, come back!
Brenda! You can play with legos later! Leave the legos in your room 'cause there's
more presents! YEAH!
Whhhooooo's next??? It's a present for
SUZIE!! See Suzie? LOOK! No, no Brenda. It's for SUZIE!
OK, you can help her open it. What is it???
HUH?? WOW! A baby doll!!
No, Brenda, give it to Suzie. YAY!! A BABY DOLL!!!
Is Garret next????
OOOOOh, Garret look! ...Garret? Garret wake up!!
Wake up Garret!!! Look! It's aaaaa...
OK Brenda you can open it. WOOHOO!! A Woody doll for Garret! No, no Suzie.
It's for Garret! GARRET
WAKE UP! Look!
mmm, where's Brenda? Is she back in her room with her legos?
Brenda!!! Come open more
...Cheerleaders? Yes. Never thought that'd be me.
Now would be the time to expound on the wonders of this weekend but alas, Suzie has completed her
why-the-hickory-heck-is-this-girl-up-at-2-am playtime and is drifting into toddler dreamland. So off I go to drift into my own dreamland which will definitely,
dreamily, include another box of 'Good&Plenty'.