My name is Lindsay and this is just so I don't feel guilty for not keeping a written journal...

Monday, January 16, 2012

Like mother like Suzie.

If you were to sit and watch old family videos over at my parent's home you'd know that as a child I was blissfully unaware of my loud, shrill voice.  It was like a superpower that could bring down villains. 

Too bad there were no villains around, so it was just my parents who suffered...

I grew up and became quite sophisticated (yup) assuming I had grown out of my childish superpower.  That is, until a desperate turn at Catch Phrase where getting your girlfriends to say fluffernutter proved to be the breaking point.  "Ummm Lindsay?  You're really loud."   We laughed.  I apologized.  Our friendships bloomed and grew ...until they all quickly upped and moved away.


So for all the pain I've caused over the years it may bring comfort to know that Suzie is honorably getting revenge. 

Watch out villains...


Brenda said...

You weren't that loud. I mean, look who you followed in the birth order ..... Now HE was loud. You were just shrill. ;-)

Radke said...

Well, that gives me hope. My daughters are both LOUD. Even when they think they are whispering, they are loud. We try to help them speak in lower voices, normal voices, but it always fails. We have yet to have a conversation in church where everyone around us wasn't painfully aware of every word spoken. We are hoping some day they learn volume control:)

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