My name is Lindsay and this is just so I don't feel guilty for not keeping a written journal...

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

I win again!

My kids need hide-and-seek lessons.  Brenda thinks that I'll forget that she hides behind my bedroom door every time.  Suzie announces herself with 3 seconds of "ready-or-not..".   And while Garret finds creative hiding spots, his giggling can be heard throughout the house...

yeah, he's in the washing machine
Happy Wednesday!


Brenda said...

Was he stuck? What's in his mouth? Good thing he didn't hit the start button .... or did he?

Lindsay Z said...

He was wedged in there pretty good. It took both Mike and I to get him out and he laughed the whole time! Oh, and he's got a jar lid in his mouth.

Brenda said...

Well next time we need to contain Garret, I know just how to do it!

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