My name is Lindsay and this is just so I don't feel guilty for not keeping a written journal...

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Listen to Andy Griffith!

My local girlfriends and I regularly indulge ourselves in weekend beach trips.  But instead of calling it indulgent, how about responsible northwest Oregonians?  I mean, we just can't take our proximity for granted.

So this is for all you non-beach-proximity-ers.  We do this for you.

Whoever drove this car to the lighthouse on the day that I was there- did it for me.

But anyway, I just wanted to get some of these pics out of the dusty files of my hard drive and out into the open...

During the most recent trip the photographer in me was smothered by the clearance racks at the outlet mall.  I only snapped one which was for Solana to let her know, as she came to meet us, that our Old Navy audience was ready and waiting...

1 comment:

Brenda said...

I didn't understand your title ..... but then I found it! Oregon does such a good job on its beaches. Even Hawaii struggles to compete.

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